The tool E²GEM (Renewable Energy Municipality), enables energy analyses on a municipal level and supports municipalities on their way to the energy transition.

In a three-step process, community-specific data on renewable potentials for electricity & heat, energy requirements of the economic sectors industry & commerce, households and mobility as well as the current quantities from renewable energy production are collected and subsequently balanced.

In this way, three key figures are determined:

  • Current Percentage Expansion of Renewable Generation
  • Maximum Possible Degree of Self-Sufficiency through Renewable Generation
  • Current Degree of Self-Sufficiency through Renewable Generation

Illustration 1: Functionality of E²GEM tools

The results of the analyses with E²GEM should primarily serve as a basis for evaluating the contribution of a municipality to the energy transition. Findings about the current degree of expansion enable, for example, the initiation of concrete projects for the expansion of renewable energies in the municipal area. Surveys of this kind allow municipalities to set concrete priorities in their spatial energy planning. For example, studies on specific location issues of renewable energy generation plants are conceivable. In addition, the surveys can also be used to actively initiate change processes of large energy consumers.

The current development status of E²GEM allows complete energy analyses for the province of Styria. For the remaining provinces, the balancing of waste heat is expected to become available in Q4/2022. Furthermore, the tool E²GEM will be continuously enhanced by data updates. In addition, the mapping of further economic sectors (agriculture and services) is planned.


Lisa Kühberger, BSc.

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+43 3842 / 402 - 5407



Opening hours

Di-Mi 09:00-11:00


Directions & location plan

Parkstraße 31
A-8700 Leoben