The project DirectCCE demonstrates and investigates a new system for the capture and utilization of CO2 from flue gasses. This system combines a CO2-scrubber with an electrolysis cell for regeneration of the solvent. The electrolysis cell produces a synthetic gas (CO and H2). The utilization of this synthetic gas as industrial feed stock can be a long-term carbon sink. The aim of the project is the demonstration of the DirectCCE concept (see figure) in a pilot plant at Wien Energie, in a scale of 1 ton of CO2 per day. Furthermore, the single process steps will be improved and the implementation to industrial processes will be shown. The development and demonstration of this new efficient CO2 capture and utilization technology shall ensure technological leadership.
At the EVT the whole DirectCCE process chain, its integration to industrial processes and the utilization of the produced synthetic gas is examined. Therefore, suitable models for the absorber-electrolysis-system are developed, which shall allow the interaction of both core processes while considering process limitations. Also, the influence of different concepts for the solvent circuit are part of this investigation. Furthermore, the integration to industrial process chains and the utilization of the synthetic gas is part of the holistic investigation.
Project partner:
Wien Energie, Scheuch, GIGKarasek, enrag, Novapecc, Universität Innsbruck, Montauniversität Leoben, Technische Universität Wien
Project DirectCCE is part of the innovation network NEFI (New Energy for Industry), which is facing the energy transition through technology development together with the Austrian industry.
This project is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund and carried out within the program "Vorzeigeregion Energie 2021".