In general, the processing of secondary raw materials is usually realised by complex mechanical processes, which are energy-intensive and, depending on the waste fraction, often difficult to implement economically. To solve this problem, seccon holds a novel patent, which describes the processing of secondary raw materials based on a thermo-chemical process by using industrial waste heat. The thermal energy input enables the separation of organic contaminations of the input material from the mineral or metallic secondary raw materials to be recovered. Depending on the prevailing oxygen concentration, a combustion or a pyrolysis process of the organic contamination takes place. In addition, the resulting pyrolysis gas can be recirculated to industrial plants and thus contribute to the substitution of fossil fuels. Consequently, the industrial primary energy efficiency can be significantly increased by using this novel process.
For this purpose, in the beginning of this project a small-scale demonstrator will be investigated and improved. At the same time, energy and exergy optimised integration concepts (e.g. supply with waste heat, use of pyrolysis gas) will be developed by using novel energy models. Based on these experiences, improvements and concepts, a large-scale demonstrator will be integrated into an industrial plant within the framework of the KPC project. In addition, systemic side effects of this technology such as the reduction of primary energy, transport and emissions as well as economic aspects will be investigated.
Within this project, the following research topics are being investigated at the Chair of Energy Network Technology:
- Creation of an exergy optimised concept for the integration of the small-scale demonstrator into an industrial plant based on the modelling of the energy system
- Evaluation of the energy model as well as the integration concept for the implementation of the large-scale demonstrator
- Quantification of energy savings and reduced CO2 emissions for different fields of application
- Techno-economic investigations and extrapolation to Austrian macroeconomic effect
Project TCP_to_Industry is part of the innovation network NEFI (New Energy for Industry), which is facing the energy transition through technology development together with the Austrian industry.
Project partners: seccon GmbH, WSA – waste service GmbH, OÖ Energiesparverband
Founding source: This project is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund (KLIEN) and carried out within the program „Vorzeigeregion Energie“.