Demand Side Management: Operation Optimization of Industrial Energy Systems
  • Project duration: 01.02.2021 - 31.01.2025


Vanessa Zawodnik

Vanessa Zawodnik

Dipl.-Ing. Scientific Assistant

Tel.: 004338424025420

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With demand side management (DSM) as a flexibility option, renewable energy can be integrated into existing processes more successfully and the energy infrastructure gets discharged by optimal planning of generation and consumption. Thereby reducing necessary storage capacities and increasing the overall system efficiency. To make this possible, a DSS (decision support system) toolbox is being developed that includes the application of various DSM programs, e.g. energy efficiency, time of use and market demand response.

Depending on the process design and customer requirements, problems are solved by different methods. What-If tools are e.g. suitable for simple process layouts and manual, interactive production planning, which primarily cover the areas of energy efficiency and time of use. For complex sites and markets, optimization methods are used to support automatic process planning. The project thus goes one step further in the digitization of energy systems.




Geissbauer, R. et al.: Industry 4.0: Opportunities and challenges of the industrial internet (2017)


The Chair of Energy Network Technology is responsible for the development of online DSM applications in relation to "market demand response". As a project partner, the Chair is assisted by the research facility AEE INTEC and the software development company ENEXSA GmbH. The applicability and user-friendliness of the toolbox is tested in the context of two case studies (Stahl- und Walzwerk Marienhütte GmbH and Albin Sorger „zum Weinrebenbäcker“ GmbH).

The project DSM_OPT is part of the innovation network NEFI (New Energy for Industry) (Flagship Region „Energy“), which is taking on the energy transition through technology development together with the austrian industry.


Project partners: Enexsa GmbH, AEE Intec, Stahl- und Walzwerk Marienhütte GmbH, Albin Sorger „zum Weinrebenbäcker“ GmbH


Projetct source: This project is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund (KLIEN) and carried out within the program „Vorzeigeregion Energie“.



Opening hours

Di-Mi 09:00-11:00


Directions & location plan

Parkstraße 31
A-8700 Leoben