Chair of Energy Network Technology
at Montanuniversitaet Leoben



"We are advancing the sustainable development of integrated and industrial energy systems based on renewable energy sources
and want to help shape a climate-neutral future through excellent research."

Development of a multi-level and interdisciplinary simulacion algorithm for a lowtemperature heating and cooling grid for the future Smart Anergy Quarter Baden

The aim of the SAN BA project is to develop a so called an ergy or lowtemperature heating and cooling grid for the abandoned military camp "Martinek- l<aserne" in Baden with the use of industrial low-temperatu re waste heat from the n eighbouring NÖM dairy plant as weil as locally available renewable heat sources, such as geothermal energy. The project results will show, whether the concept of an anergy grid is technically and economically feasible and whether it should be pursued further.

Low temperature heating and cooling grids (anergy grids) open new possibificies for decentralized energy supply at district level. They increase flexibility and promote the integration of /oca/, renewab/e energy sources. Low temperature networks are dynamic networks. chus enabling buildings eo participace accively in the necwork as producers and consumers.

Edith Haslinger, Project Manager SANBA, AIT Austr lan Institute· of Technology GmbH

Main Goals

  • Concept development of an anergy grid for a form er military camp in Baden with excess industrial heat from the neighbouring NOM- dairy plant. Provision of essential scientific, technical and socio-economic know-how for t he efficient planning and design of local anergy grids.
  • Development of a simulation tool allowing for the flexible planning of local anergy grids.
  • Developing three scenarios for a future use of the "Martinek- Kaserne".

Key Facts


09/18 - 08/22





8. Energiewirtschaftliche Kolloquium

8. Energiewirtschaftliche Kolloquium „Grüne Energie für die grüne Industrie“ Das 8. Energiewirtschaftliche Kolloquium mit dem Fokus auf…
Foto © OTS/NEFI/Mirjam Reither

NEFI+ Innovationsschub

NEFI+ startet das neue Innovationslabor NEFI+ für eine klimaneutrale Industrie mit sechs Innovationshubs! NEFI – New Energy for Industry…
Credit: OVE

CIRED 2024 Workshop in Wien

Unsere Energieexpert:innen Julia Vopava-Wrienz, Ahmad Fayyaz Bakhsh, und Florian Samm nahmen am 19.-20. Juni am CIRED 2024 Vienna Workshop…


Opening hours

Di-Mi 09:00-11:00


Directions & location plan

Parkstraße 31
A-8700 Leoben