Chair of Energy Network Technology
at Montanuniversitaet Leoben



"We are advancing the sustainable development of integrated and industrial energy systems based on renewable energy sources
and want to help shape a climate-neutral future through excellent research."

Energy efficiency and demand side management in steel by the use of oxyfuel an CCU technology

OxySteel encompasses the increase of energy efficiency b the use of novel technologies and he evaluation of DSM potentials in a steel mill. The first goal is tachled by the development and implementation of a new process design using oxy-fuel combustion and CCU. The second objective is to identify flexibilities for the increased use of renewsable energy sources and possibile grid service.


The steel industry is a facinating area of research because efficiency measures have a big impact. For example after the implementation of OxySteel, we expect annual energy savings of 12 GWh. This equates to approx 10% of the annual gas consumption a subsequent technology rollout, the savings are multible thereof.

Thomas Klenberger, Head of Chair of Energy Network Technology, Monatnuniversität Leoben.

Main Goals

  • Identification of flexibilities and energy efficienxy in procress heat production by the use of oxyfuel combustion.
  • Replacement of gas burners by oxy-fuel burners.
  • Recudtion of the required electrical storages and support of the stability of the electrical power grid.
  • OxySteel demonstrator project in Breifenfeld Edelstahl AG steel mill

Key Facts



Demonstration Budget:

€ 1.802.500

Research Budget:

€ 665.974



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Opening hours

Di-Mi 09:00-11:00


Directions & location plan

Parkstraße 31
A-8700 Leoben