The #Reallabor Murau is a prototype to show how an inner-alpine region can be supplied with climate-neutral energy all year round – and how such inner-alpine regions can simultaneously become reliable and demand-oriented energy suppliers for conurbations. In the lead project #Systemkraftwek Murau, the necessary foundations are developed using demonstrators, which are bundled in a system power plant. In the #InnoLab Murau, these approaches are scaled, new approaches are integrated and developed further, and the need for adaption for regions is derived.
The lead project #Systemkraftwerk Murau thus pursues the vision of enabling a 100% renewable and demand-oriented energy supply in the district of Murau. The aim is to supply the region completely with sustainable energy and also specifically provide surpluses for conurbations. The implementation is taking place against the backdrop of increasing PV feed-in and growth in e-mobility. To achieve the goal, the entire energy system is included, which, in addition to storage, especially involves electricity, heat, and hydrogen in the sense of sector coupling.
The implementation of the #Systemkraftwerk Murau should generate benefits such as increased security of supply, better profitability and efficiency through regional value creation, as well as a demand-oriented energy supply. The results obtained should also be transferable to other regions. A key success factor for the project is the acceptance of the local population. The vision of a sustainable energy future can only become reality if the population is actively involved. That is why transparency and dialog are being promoted from the outset together with the project #InnoLab Murau.
Key points of the project #Systemkraftwerk Murau:
- Development of a fully renewable energy system
- Reliable, demand-oriented energy distribution in the Murau district for electricity, heat, and hydrogen
- Development of hydrogen as an energy carrier and use of sector coupling technologies
- Integration into the higher-level energy system in order to make energy surpluses usable for other regions
- Development of model solutions that can be replicated both within the region and beyond
The Chair of Energy Network Technology is dedicated to the methodical development and integration of model solutions for a sustainable and efficient energy supply in the electrical grid. The focus is on the use of flexibility and the linking of different energy sectors (heat and hydrogen) as well as the development of innovative approaches to master the challenges of the energy transition
Project partner
This project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and carried out within the initiative "100% Erneuerbare-Energie-Reallabore". |